CAW159  Lyndsey Stringer, British Association of Tecahers of the Deaf - Cymru

Consultation on the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill

Evidence submitted to the Children, Young People and Education Committee for Stage 1 scrutiny of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill.

About you

Lyndsey Stringer

Tecaher of the Deaf. Chair BATOD Wales, British Association of Tecahers of the Deaf - Cymru

1.        The Bill’s general principles

1.1         Do you support the principles of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill?


1.2         Please outline your reasons for your answer to question 1.1

(we would be grateful if you could keep your answer to around 1500 words)

It can be argued that there is a need for a new curriculum. Education is changing, resources for children are changing and pour underdtanding of how pupils learn and how we can support hose with aditional needs has developed. We are also preparing children for jobs that may not even exist yet, with the ever increasing advances in technology and the ways in which children are taught through ICT.

I support a skills based curriculum having taught in a specialist resource base, skills based learning meant that my classes could be differentiated to support a very wide range of ages and abilities in my class.

The languages option could allow for a wider range of languages to be taught in schools, including Britiah Sign Language.

1.3         Do you think there is a need for legislation to deliver what this Bill is trying to achieve?

(we would be grateful if you could keep your answer to around 500 words)


2.        The Bill’s implementation

2.1         Do you have any comments about any potential barriers to implementing the Bill? If no, go to question 3.1

(we would be grateful if you could keep your answer to around 500 words)

I believe schools have had a great deal of challenges over the past six months and am concerned that implementing the new curriculum could overwhelm schools, particularly with changes to ALN too.

2.2         Do you think the Bill takes account of these potential barriers?

(we would be grateful if you could keep your answer to around 500 words)

I think the curriculum can support the return to schools for pupils ionce the closures. In my opinion the cross curricular and skills based nature of the curricular will allow teachers to be more creative and give more time to support wellbeing.

3.        Unintended consequences

3.1         Do you think there are there any unintended consequences arising from the Bill? If no, go to question 4.1

(we would be grateful if you could keep your answer to around 500 words)


4.        Financial implications

4.1         Do you have any comments on the financial implications of the Bill (as set out in Part 2 of the Explanatory Memorandum)? If no, go to question 5.1

(we would be grateful if you could keep your answer to around 500 words)


5.        Powers to make subordinate legislation

5.1         Do you have any comments on the appropriateness of the powers in the Bill for Welsh Ministers to make subordinate legislation (as set out in Chapter 5 of Part 1 of the Explanatory Memorandum). If no, go to question 6.1.

(we would be grateful if you could keep your answer to around 500 words)


6.        Other considerations

6.1         Do you have any other points you wish to raise about this Bill?

(we would be grateful if you could keep your answer to around 1000 words)
